Every Volunteer opportunity aligns with the Discipleship Mission of St. Mark’s:
Here’s how volunteer on/off ramps work at St. Mark’s:

There are multiple ways to help with the mission of St. Mark’s.
If you’re interested in any of the following opportunities (or if you have ideas for any other kinds of ministry opportunities): Click this link to contact the “Director of Volunteer Services” on the Church Staff page.
Each of these opportunities has a volunteer on/off ramp:
- 1st Feasts – the monthly potlucks / brunches
- Leader(s): Seth Lohr + Grant Kamp + Kevin (?)
- Serve in the event
- Help setup/tear down/Clean
- Cook food for the feast
- Buy supplies for the feast
- Go for supplies on the day of
- Bring people / invite people to join in on the event
- Serving food
- How all can help: Bring food / bring people / invite people to join in on the event
- Banner Ministry
- Leader(s): Kristal Slovinski + Bob Slovinski
- Building maintenance
- Leader(s): Dave Slovinski
- How all can help: Help keep the building clean / tell someone if something needs fixing
- Children’s Ministry
- Leader(s): Karla Slovinski
- Director of Children’s Ministry (must vet all volunteers)
- Children’s Chat
- Nursery
- Kid’s Classroom
- Classes
- Run classes at St. Mark’s
- Sunday Morning Bible Study
- Leader(s): Seth Lohr + Tony Brinson + Heather Diane Allen
- Women’s small group
- Leader(s): Danni Shearer
- Men’s small group
- Sunday Morning Bible Study
- Volunteer as an emergency substitute
- Run classes at St. Mark’s
- Cleaning services
- Leader(s): Danni Shearer
- Buying supplies
- Helping with special projects
- Some community hours available
- How all can help: Help keep the building clean / tell someone if something needs fixing
- Communion team
- Leaders: Kim + Rich
- Volunteers to help set up and clean up the 2nd Sunday of the month
- Events
- Help serve at events found on our Calendar page
- Contact the “Director of Volunteer Services” (on the Church Staff page)
- Family building activities
- Host at St. Mark’s:
- Game nights
- Food events
- Other kinds of events
- Ask to have your story posted to our Stories page
- Host at St. Mark’s:
- Finance Chair
- Leader(s): Scott Perry
- How you can help: Tithe / donate money to St. Mark’s (reach out to Church Staff for questions)
- Greeting Team
- Leader(s): Seth Lohr
- Welcomes people into the building
- Helps answer questions to first-timers to our community
- How all can help: If someone is looking to get connected / has questions, concerns, or thoughts – point them at the Greeting Team
- Guiding Council
- Leader(s): Jo Geleske
- Available to active members of St. Mark’s who are leading a ministry – the guiding council oversees spending and higher level decisions of St. Mark’s
- Everyone is welcome to attend, but only members can vote
- How all can help: Join Membership classes
- Marketing
- Getting word-of-mouth advertising out to your social groups about St. Mark’s
- Building networks and relationships and connections in various communities that St. Mark’s can be a part of
- Letting others know that Albertson’s Hall can be rented out
- Media team
- Story crew – help build the stories of St. Mark’s
- Online presence
- Social Media
- Keep it up to date
- Respond to Youtube and Facebook posts
- During service, bring up comments posted on the YouTube live stream
- Post each Sunday’s Youtube stream on to the Facebook page
- Over see event announcements on Facebook
- Maintain the Facebook team of posters who send photos from events into the website
- Website
- Keep content up to date
- Weekly bulletins
- Calendar
- Static pages
- Keep content up to date
- Social Media
- Outreach Committee
- Leader(s): Seth Lohr
- The Outreach Committee is made up of members / volunteers / and other interested parties from or around the St. Mark’s community.
- The goal is two-fold:
- 1. Help with the programs and wellbeing and community inside St. Mark’s. Maintain the inter-connected-ness of the community.
- 2. Oversee the ways in which St. Mark’s ministers to the outward circles around St. Mark’s: such as visitors to St. Mark’s / the people groups of Goshen / and the rest of the world
- The outreach committee has it’s own page for seeing updates about the committee: Outreach Committee page
- Pastor’s Closet
- Leader(s): Danni Shearer
- Hang and sort donations for the homeless + the needy
- 1-2 people needed for this (a month – a few hours here and there as supply + demand dictates)
- Praise Team
- Leader(s): Rich Everingham
- Join the Praise team
- Click this link to contact the “Director of Volunteer Services” on the Church Staff page.
- Shut-ins ministry
- Leader(s): Tony Brinson
- Visit shut-ins that are on a list / Call them / Send them cards of cheer
- Sunday Service
- Praise team
- See “Praise Team” ministry above
- Serve with the AV team
- Leader(s): Kim Everingham / Dave Slovinski / Calvin Martin
- Usher / Offering team
- Leader(s): Nick Smedziuk, Kathleen Smedziuk, Karla Slovinski
- Sermon givers
- Leader(s): Tony Brinson
- Praise team
- Winter
- Sidewalk shovelers