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Discipleship Class

Main Diagram:

The Story – the verse:

Break-Out Groups:

Week 1 – How are you communing with God throughout the week?

Week 2 – What’s your personal Testimony?

Week 3 – How have you been working/volunteering in the church?

Week 4 – How have you shown God to someone out in the world this week?

Week 5 – How have you been mentored this week?

Week 6 – What Testimonies do you see in other people’s lives?

Week 7 – What Church small groups are you in?

Week 8 – How have you mentored someone this week?

Week 9 – What Questions do you have?

Week 10 – What is in this Church/Kingdom?

Week 11 – What are your next steps?

Week 12 – How is the church helping you do this “work”? Don’t go alone.