Dear Church Family, July 30, 2024
I hope everyone had a great weekend. We were able to go to our granddaughters 10th birthday party, and then we went to the fair to sell tickets to benefit Destiny Rescue.
First Feasts will be held next Sunday the theme is pulled pork! See attached sign-up sheet.
We are in need of volunteers for the Work Release Check-In table. Please see Pastor Tony if you are able to help.
We also need a volunteer to work in the Pastors Closet to sort and hang up the clothes. Please call Danni in the office if you would like to help. This would only need to be done once a month or so depending on donations.
Joys and Praises:
On Monday, daughter will be moving into mental health place.
A family member who is incarcerated is allowing family members to visit once again.
Praise for dropping off directories to the ladies in Greencroft. They are awesome.
Praise for visiting from Indianapolis and happy to be in the house of the Lord.
Praise and Congratulations to Kraig Williamson, who gets out of Work Release on Wednesday.
Praise for the Hymn sing on 1st Friday at the Courthouse.
Praise that Nicole and Glen got married on Sunday after the service.
Prayer Requests:
Pray for a newborn baby who will probably need a helmet- he has full range of motion in his neck, but will probably need a helmet.
Pray for the family of the 14 year old in Middlebury who was killed.
Pray for a friend who is in a lot of pain and trying to avoid using pain medicine.
Pray for a Dad who is in pain from cancer.
Pray that evangelism at 1st Friday goes well.
Pray for the family of a college student who committed suicide, also pray for students and the stress of college.
Pray for an aunt who has Sundown Dementia and has a short time to live.
Pray for a Dad who is not learning to get his life together.
Danni S. asks for prayers as her son-in-law is taking the bar in MA today and tomorrow. Also pray for her daughter and him as they are adjusting to living so far away from friends and family.
Pray for Cynda Murray for her mental and emotional health.
Pastor Tony’s Challenge for the week:
If Jesus tells us to love and love God, how well are you showing it?
How are you Loving the people around you?
Danni Shearer
Administrative Assistant
St. Mark’s Church